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Showing posts from September, 2013

As We Were...

I was going through my archives today and stumbled onto an article I wrote back in 2010, leading up to the presidential elections the following year. Disturbingly, all of the problems 17 year old me wanted answers to are still biting hard today, 3 years after. I just had to share it.                                               ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS. (22 -01-2011)  With the conclusions of the presidential  primarie s of the three largest political parties in our country and the emergence of candidates from them, it is obvious that the much awaited 2011 presidential elections  are right around the corner. As Nigeria celebrated her silver jubilee last year, these elections have been described by many as the most important elections in our country's history and quite frankly, it is easy to see reasons with them. We are at a point in our history when w...