When I settled that I would write about water, the first thought that came to my mind was the lyrics of Fela's hit song; ' If you fight am unless say you wan die! water... e no get enemy' it goes on about the near omnipotence of the earth's most prominent substance, its characteristic neutrality and our non-negotiable dependence on it. The human body contains up to 70 percent water. According to HH Mitchell, Journal of Biological Chemistry , Our brain and heart comprise 73 percent water, while our lungs are around 83 percent water. The skin has up to 64 percent water, muscles and kidneys are 79 percent, while our least watery parts, bones comprise 31 percent water. {usgs.gov} . If I may put it in this context, you are about 20 percent shy of being as much 'water' as a watermelon. The health benefits of drinking enough water are numerous, from improved organ functionality to better skin and even improved mental health. Studies have shown that drinking at least ...