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The King is Back!!! T.I Trouble Man; Heavy is The Head (review)

Good morning guys!
2012 is about 2 weeks away from being behind us and if the said apocalypse actually does take place on the 21st, we can rest in the knowledge that we lived to enjoy some of the best hip-hop tunes ever made! 2012 has been an exceptional year for hip-hop music, rappers really did some good work and released loads of quality material, the most recent of which is the new album by the King of the South, T.I!!! Trouble Man; Heavy Is The Head is the King's 8th studio album set to be released (officially) on the 18th of this month. Thankfully however, someone felt there was no point waiting that long and decided to leak it 5 days early. I had the album on repeat all day yesterday and I have to say it has to be among the best hip-hop albums I have ever heard. I have to say I desperately needed to listen to some quality hip-hop especially after the disappointment of Wiz Khalifa's O.N.I.F.C ( story for another day) . My friend and I sat in awe as we listened to one potential hit after another. Basically, everything on the album has the potential to become a smash hit. The Album features a host of artists only of the highest caliber including R Kelly, Cee-Lo Green, Akon, Andre 3000, Lil Wayne and Pink. T.I went hard on the this project. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate this album as an 8.9. I am definitely tipping him to win multiple awards next year....assuming we make it till then that is ;)


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