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In Respect to Our Future

More often than not, we hear sayings like; "the youth are the leaders of tomorrow", "the youth are our future" and so on...I think a lot has been taken out of those phrases and we are now at a point where they have almost lost all essence and have little or no effect on most members of our generation. In writing this, I only hope to restore even a fraction of that essence to as many people as I am able to reach.
It is often said that the human mind is a most powerful tool, whose capabilities are limitless. In my humble opinion, I believe that this generation, this 21st century generation proves this theory more than any other before it. The amount of information shared between us and the rate at which it is decimated, processed and digested is utterly astonishing. Judging by the range of subjects we allow ourselves to indulge in these days from academics to the social media, movies, music, sports, celebrity lifestyles and a few other things that I'm ashamed to mention, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that our brains perhaps have to do much more work than previous generations demanded from their brains. It is all very impressive, it proves that as humans, we are truly capable of just as much as we are willing to let ourselves do.
 But at a point, we have to pause and ask ourselves what our true purpose in life is, what our goals and aspirations should be. We have to ask ourselves what kind of impact our lives and our brilliant minds are having on the larger society and what impact they should be having. Many of us today suffer from a common problem, referred to as Misplacement of priorities; the inability to differentiate between the less important and truly important things in life. In addition, many members of our generation have simply refused to share in the responsibility for the goings on in their societies. We feel so unperturbed by the real issues and we rather choose to bombard ourselves with worthless information and knowledge of little importance, which prove to be of no possible value to our "future". Maybe this is the problem.... Are we so naive that we sit and wait for this "future" to come? Is it possible that we don't realize that there is no set date for the "future" to arrive? Are we all sitting idly waiting for some big bang like event to set the "future" in motion? God forbid! Because if this is the case, then we are all nothing, but a worthless generation of meandering souls with pending expiry dates.
I think we all need a reality check, we need and I mean NEED to reevaluate our true potentials and re-prioritize our goals. Let us stop wasting our time on trivialities and unfruitful frivolities. Let us stop the self-deceit and start to see things and call them as they are, not as we wish they were. Leonardo Da Vinci said “The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions” This world didn’t build itself; it took years of dedication from dozens of generations, young men and women like us. Our dreams are realizable but we need to go about achieving them in the right way. I don’t want ours to be the generation that
 let humanity down.


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