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Rain, Rain .....

I like it when it rains. There is just something about a downpour, it gives me a sense of renewal and freshness. In the past, I would spend several minutes playing in the rain until my mother would come home and give me a severe toungue lashing "do you want to catch pneumonia?!" She would ask incredulously. I didn't care. I often felt like her scolding was a small price to pay for the exhilaration I got from being in the rain. Now I don't play in the rain anymore, I find myself wishing I could but I have to accept that the chapter in my life is closed and settle for appreciating the beauty of rainfall from my window pane. The thought of old age is distressing. I will never be fourteen again, I will never know that kind of freedom ever again. I am closer now to being a parent who would reprimand my child if I ever caught him in the rain. I can imagine myself giving him or her a lecture on the dangers of playing in the rain but I sure hope he defies me and does it anyway. Youth is treasure, don't waste it. 


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