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How long till the future? Like most people, I am scared of the future and what it holds for me. I came to the realisation today that I am more worried about my "future" than about anything else, even death. I think modern day man has found a way to circumvent that bit of worry. Isn't it odd that we stay worrying about a time we are not certain to see? while trying so hard to ignore the cold fact of life which is that at some point between now and some distant "future" we are all going to die. 
The subject of death is a very touchy one, nobody wants to dwell on the thought of the most unavoidable stage in all our lives, because it'll just bring everyone down and what's the sense in that right? It is totally out of our control so leave it alone. But I find that coming face to face with that bit of reality goes a long way in putting life into perspective if one is in need of that. Death makes us think about an even more important subject that we tend to be more poetic than objective about, the essence of our existence out here. What is the sense in it if we are all just going to die? Religion realized how threatening such a question would be to general order and they came up with the most reassuring expiation, that there is a better world somewhere in the land of the dead where the well behaved of this cursed world would live "eternally" Wow, well I guess that's that then, end of story, just be well behaved so you get a spot in the eternal milk and honey factory. I'm sorry but for how fucjed up this world is, I believe that's a little too convenient. There are so many distortions about what "the big plan" really is but I think what stands between humanity and total anarchy is the strong believe that there exists some kind of plan. Don't get me wrong, I am all for maintaining order, nobody wants maniacs walking the streets without the fear of God in them.
But I want to task your mind a bit today. I believe that true freedom can only be achieved if we have freedom of thought, freedom that is from guilt and judgment simply because one asked some tough questions. Come out of your comfort zone for a few minutes and join this train of potentially life changing thoughts. I want you to set your faith aside for a brief moment and assume that there is no greater plan. Would you live life any different? Would you perhaps be more adventurous or spontaneous in the realisation that life is lived once and that when we die our souls die with our bodies? How would you perceive the future? Would you have as much faith in a distant time that you have no control over or would you do your best to make the time that you actually have in your hands count for something? 


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