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Freedom of Choice

I was just on Twitter minding my own business and airing my views on a recently trending topic. Yes, you guessed right - the 'Transfiguration' of Bruce Jenner. I said that it is a disgrace to men and women alike. I also said that his action after more than 5 decades of being alive, is a perfect example of what emasculation can result to. I stand by my words because I believe that what he did is unnatural. 
Some people disagree. They are of the opinion that there is nothing unnatural about a sex change. Someone even went as far as to compare the situation to barrenness. All I can say is that barrenness like many natural defects is something that should be solved because it is natural to procreate. Barrenness is a a challenge that causes families sadness and disappointment. A sex change is a whole other thing. It is a person being u satisfied with the way they are born and taking the matter into their surgeon's hand so that they can wear a bra instead of boxers or boxers instead of panties, as the case may be.
Imagine a scenario. You walk into a bar, you meet this gorgeous looking person and after a few drinks you end up in their bed that night. Only for you to wake up in the morning and the person says "hey BTW, FYI I used to be a man/woman lol" My god!  would you not feel betrayed or violated even? I think it falls in the same ball park as carrying an STD and keeping it till after sex. That is something people need to know before they dip their hands or other body parts into your cookie jar or swing from your dangling pole ( whatever that means). 
On a serious note though, While we must respect people's choices, we should not forget that man's imperfections do not spare his choices. Choices both right and wrong were given to us by God (or whoever/ whatever you think gives life) but there has to be a limit even to our choices. I do not think that "freedom of choice" is a good enough reason for some actions. Some things should still be questioned and people should reserve their right and choice to disagree with things which they feel are unnatural. To Bruce Jenner, it is my very very personal opinion that his decision to do this stems from his prolonged subjection to the feminine lifestyle of the kardashian women. That is just my opinion and it could be very very ignorant but I am entitled to it. That is the true beauty of choice.


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