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Ethnocentric Chauvinism: The sand in our Garri!

I got really upset today after reading a mindless essay written by a certain ex minister for aviation in Nigeria.
 In his essay (which I will not even dignify by posting a link to) he portrayed the people of a part of this country as nothing but a bunch of free-loading, unpatriotic ,power hungry, greedy aliens, attempting to reap where as he claims, they have not sown. He went further to demand that these Nigerians should "know their place" in what according to this bigot is a land belonging to only a particular ethnic group "and them alone!"  
I cannot begin to express how utterly disgusted I was, reading this. It is a real shame that in today's Nigeria, the youth of this country have to sit and listen to the most corrupt of her citizens stir up bullshit to spite, incite and create bad blood and disaccord between us. It is no news that the greater percentage of Nigerian youth could care less about where the next guy is from or what ethnic group he chooses to fight land battles for. I say this with all amount of "dead seriousness" any Nigerian of "our time" who still considers one's ethnicity as a yardstick to judge character, ability and humanity is probably demented. WE ARE PAST THAT! People of older generations, some of whom are our parents have an excuse or two. They witnessed and suffered so much bitterness and such experiences might prove a little tough to completely forget but they passed through the ugliness so that we wouldn't have to!
If the ex minister wants to do us any favours by way of what he claims is "telling the bitter truth" he should concern himself with matters that are actually of some benefit to the young men and women of this country, like; Why in Oduduwa's name has the government not resolved this ongoing ASSU strike? Or perhaps he could do us a favour and return the N19,000,000,000 (NINETEEN BILLION NAIRA) that was "misappropriated" (whatever that means) during his tenure as Aviation Minister. Surely such an amount of money will help the Federal Government get close to the N89,000,000,000 (Eighty nine billion Naira) being requested for by ASSU, so that we can go back to school like Fani Kayode's kids are! 
Good Morning.


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