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If Your "Insurance Bank" does not support your Business, you need a new Church

Salvation... The cornerstone of all religious establishments. The Human race is so terrified of the doom that is promised to come upon the many who will not be saved and this in turn has led to a great deal of desperation among men to gain this salvation. 
In our world today and speaking from a Nigerian perspective, the need for this spiritual "assurance" if I may call it that, has inspired the birth of a multi billion Naira industry - Souls Insurance Banking (SIB) wherein a few clever men have learned to take sacrilegious advantage of this widespread desperation among people and have now debased the sanctity of God's Word to the level of Insurance Banking. In this business, the insurance bankers (pastors) devise different means (some contradicting others) of selling this insurance package, that is the comforting hope of salvation to this Gullible Population. Worse still, people don't mind! It is common place in this country to hear stuff like "I call on the god of *insert pastor's names*" or people saying "I left that church because I don't enjoy the word anymore"....decipher that last one, it means... "I don't like this Insurance Company anymore, their insurance policy doesn't Favor my business" So more pastors chop up and mix up God's word to suit the "business needs" of the greater number of customers, especially the youth who clamour and run from one SIB to the other in search of the most suitable insurance policy and when the scandals erupt, they're quickly off to the next!
The saddest part about this travesty is that people have completely lost the essence of having a relationship with God. Ask yourself this question, Is your relationship with God for your salvation or for the Love of him? I yearn for the day when I'll be saying my prayers not to "ask" Him for anything - forgiveness, guidance, protection, whatever.... I wish for the day I'll say prayers simply because I want the pleasure of God's presence, because I love him. 
I think people should Stop running from pillar to post, chasing all this Falsehood which these mindless swindlers are selling solely for profit. Realise that your relationship with your God is a two way and trust me, he knows you are not perfect. Don't buy into this illusion that you need some other sinner's guidance to lead you to Him. Slow down, retrace your steps and start saying YOUR prayers to YOUR God, he is listening to YOU.


  1. You're absolutely right! I cannot begin to explain how accurate your observation is. Tbh I used to think like that (being afraid of hell made me want to not sin, instead of not sinning because I love God)... But this has sort of changed my orientation. I applaud you!


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